1. Independent responsibility: pave our own way, believe in yourself
2. Honest Evaluation: Admit your faults, familiar with your soar spots.
3. Emotionally understanding: understand what your needs are, nurture experiences like frustration, upset,uncomfortable. Identify them and analyze them and do your best work
4. Not afraid of change: Flourish in flexible situations, secure in who you are, no matter the time or the place.
5. Earning success: There is no guarantee you are going to get it even you are struggling in achieving your success, keep working until your dreams come true.
6. Helping yourself: Make yourself happy instead of trying to please everyone around you
7. Strong friendships: Attract others with strong mental and emotional strength
8. Minding your time: Resist the temptation and have the self-control to work instead of play
9. Accepting development: Recognize what you can improve, and make an effort to better yourself little by little
10. Celebrating your success: enjoy yourself and inspired by others' success and improve yourself
11. Confronting conflicts: Do not be afraid of hurting someone's feelings. Be honest and upfront with the people in your life, you can find mutually beneficial solutions.
12. Trusting your guts: Make a choice and make the best decision. Decisiveness is a dead giveaway that someone has mentally strength. Follow your instincts.
13. Mental Perseverance: Like a rubber ball, you can knock it down, but it always bound back stronger than ever. Immune for your failure, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again.
14. Confident kindness: Be kind and altruistic, step into other people's shoes, and empathize with their pain.
15. Changing Opinions: Interested in figuring out, talking through ideas, and fielding different perspectives. To challenge yourself and change your mind.