You can change your daily habit by domino effect, for example, whenever I wake up between 6:00~6:30am, I may do it again the next day. Five days later and you realize that this regular morning ritual of bed-making has become a habit per se. My dog will come to me and urge me to walk with them. I listen to BBC radio news when walking with my dogs. After I have walked my dogs, I also feed them breakfast and waiting them to finish their breakfast. After finished eating, I notice that the dishes are dirty and the floor is sticky oily. I wash dishes, clean and mop the floor. Finally I clean my dogs' bowl and change the clean water before driving to my work place. The routine of taking care of my household becomes a domino effect that grows with each new good habit is added.
As a personal example, if I stick my habit of writing a blogger essay per day. Then I naturally find myself more focused at editing the perfect sentences, learning vocabulary, reading more journals or podcasts, and thinking more profoundly at my attitude and behavior even though I never make a plan to specifically improve these behaviors.
If you always curious about on taking a new habit, you will feel excited and keep doing it as each tiny domino falls, you start believing new things about yourself and building identity-based habits.