I know that English is the language of science, computers, diplomacy and tourism. Many international businesses conduct meetings and email in English. Traveling around the world use English as a common language. Having knowledge is incredibly important to start my researches in the number of scientific papers. If I have a good knowledge of it also can easily access to international films, music and literature. Some experiences will make me grow as a person in learning the values, habits, and the way of life in culture which is different from me. In my working place, there is very few workers can speak well in English. For them, English can sound foreign, frustrating and confusing. If I can pass certificate level with higher scores or communicate well with my customers. It will increase my self worth in my career. In addition to I can learn much science papers to improve my knowledge in specific areas. It will give me a lot of satisfactions and the progress will make me feel great.
There are tons of resources on the internet you can use to learn English for free. Every video comes with subtitles, gives you some pictures and memorizable stories. You also can learn grammar and definition info through some English lessons. All of them are valuable if you take it seriously.