2021年10月8日 星期五

Nobel Prize in Physics


    About the earth climate change is an old topic in physical sciences. It began in 1824 with Fourier. He was the first person to study the Earth’s temperature from a mathematical perspective. He examined variations in temperature between day and night, and between summer and winter, and concluded that the planet was much warmer than a simple analysis might suggest.He recognized that the atmosphere of earth is ostensibly transparent to the visible radiation from the sun and the earth convert the visible radiation into “dark heat”, the dark energy of Fourier’s time. He surmised that this must interact somehow with the atmosphere to keep earth warm. 

    Scientist subsequently measure in the laboratory the absorption and emission of what we call infrared radiation Fourier’s dark heat. It was to take 70 years before savant arenas took these observations and these measurements and combined them in the first mathematical model of climate. He predicted that if the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere increased so too with the temperature of the earth. Another 70 years, two world wars and the computer revolution would pass over of these this several savant. Physical modeling of earth's climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming" and "understanding of complex systems".

The age of Syukuru Manabe is 90 years old, Japanese born American meteorologist and climatologist, who pioneer the use of computers to simulate global climate change and natural climate variations.  He has developed 3-D dimensional models of atmosphere. They used the model simulate the response of temperature and hydrologic cycle to increase CO2. They can apply the model to the study of past climate change He and his colleagues knit together this web of processes including key aspects of the atmosphere’s thermodynamics & dynamics and made the first prediction reliable that if you double the carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere, their surface temperature would increase by  two degree Celsius.

    Klaus Hasselman  is 89 years old , is a leading German oceanographer and climate modeler. He is best know for developing the Hasselmann model of climate variability .

Hasselmann has published papers on climate dynamics, stochastic processes, ocean waves, remote sensing, and integrated assessment studies. His reputation in oceanography was primarily founded on a set of papers on non-linear interactions in ocean waves. 

He made the analogy between the rapidly varying weather and the slowly varying climate and Brownian motion from Einstein’s theory whereby rapid collisions of water molecules with pollen grains. Displace them slowly over time. He then predicted that the weather on time scales of days influences the ocean on the time scale of years. He went further with these ideas and he constructed a systematic statistical way to compare measurements observations and models to extract the fingerprints of particular physical processes in the climate system. 

    Galileo peered into outer space with his telescope. Giorgio Parisi is a 73 years old , an Italian theoretical physicist. His research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems.He peered into inner space with mathematics and he is particularly known for his work on spin glasses and related statistical mechanics models originating in optimization theory and biology.

    People have many types of ideas all of the time. Going for a walk every morning, stopping eating after 8pm or exercising after a meal every day. The problem isn’t idea but the problem is to take the ideas seriously. When you take idea seriously it means you make it a priority. It means you prioritize the execution of the idea above your desire to do other things. It means you give weight to the idea rather than your moods.When you take your ideas seriously, it means you take yourself seriously. This is the attitude of discipline. This is the mindset of success. This is the practice of building good habits.

    Recently I studied a lot about the famous Charlie Munger, an American billionaire investor, businessman, philanthropist, who is the best friend of Warren Buffett. He has a famous quote on ideas and why you should take start taking some ideas seriously.



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