If you want to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet, and reduce the risk of getting various kinds of disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. People have the freedom to choose what kinds of food or the ways to eat. It could be for weight loss, longevity, environmental reasons, or the concerns of animal brutality. I would like to introduce the eating styles today:
1. Vegetarian: who do not eat any kind of meat or seafood.
2. Vegan: who does not eat meat of any kind, including eggs, dairy products, by-products, or any processed foods. The food cannot be heat above the temperature 50 degrees as they think that it will break the nutrients after heating
3. Pescatarian: who does not eat any meat or dead animal but can eat the fish or seafood, such as shrimp, clams, oysters, or lobster. He also can eat dairy products or eggs as well.
4. Flexitarian: who eats a mostly vegetarian diet, but he occasionally eats meats at the times he has agreed upon. It could be once a week or on special occasions.
5. Fruitarian: who eat mostly fruits in every meal a day, possibly eat nuts, or seeds, but no animal products. At least 75% of fruits on his regular basis.
6. Beegan: Who consumes honey and other bees or insect-derived products.