There was a girl who suddenly disappeared in Telegram, and we just are informed that there was a coup in Sudan. Moreover, the military intentionally shut the internet down and we failed to connect a girl named Arwa.
When I listened to the news about Sudan, the Prime Minister, his wife, his cabinet members have been detained in the apparent coup. They are trying to steer Sudan towards democracy from military leadership for a long time, at least 2 years. All of the previous movements have been worked in vain. As last week a pro-military was attempted to disguise its purpose. Sudan civilian protests burned the tyres outside the house of the President to block the road of the coup. The economic crisis and human rights are worrying as the autocratic rule will be started again after 2 years effort are disappearing. For my opinion, the election will not happen again in the near future in Sudan. We must feel fortunate that we are living in a better country, please be grateful.