Yesterday evening, I received a message from my mother, the message recorded a voice from my mother’s youngest sister, she told us that her husband has passed away, she is typically arranging a funeral until her daughter returns home from oversea, it should be after two days of his death. She was deeply mourning her recent passing of him and she may not feel comfortable replying to any message from anyone.
A moment later, I surfed my Facebook page and was trying to find my aunt and uncle’s pages, I found that there was a picture captured on the mother’s day, my uncle was bumping into his old classmates, he never guessed to meet someone you know in a special day before kicking the bucket. I sent the picture to my family chat group, and I started suspiciously that he may suffer sudden unexpected death by loss of heart function, or sudden cardiac arrest. Life was throwing a curving ball to somebody,Since I was a teen, about ten years ago, my mother took us to their house for some specialty, they usually treated us to nice meals, especially Bak Kuh Teh, which is renowned in Sebang. They are successful real estate owners in selling ginger, earning a lot of money, and have already sent their children to study abroad. They are religious Christians and devoted a lot of their effort and time to join the group meeting.
Last night, my mother was wondering how much is acceptable for Malaysian Chinese culture. I had no idea how much is suitable in Malaysia but I told her that I would give $3000,5000,7000,9000 which started in an odd number instead of an even number. Even a number is dedicated to weddings, the new year or some specialty in Taiwan. The culture shock in different countries may impress a bad image for somebody.
Today morning, I sent a message to my aunt. “Please accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved husband. I am now far away from you and I will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you take care of yourself and keep safe.” Offering condolences could be helpful to remind my aunt that she is not alone and others will miss her loved one as well.