Some time ago, unspecific time, if my dog feels a sense of comfort when biting her furs. As soon as she stops scratching, she feels itchy, so she will continue scratching. The vicious circle caused her some red rashes which required taking some medicines. Same as the negative thinking, you feel comfortable thinking about negative things and feeling pathetic. The more I feel, the more becomes the negativity. The negativity keeps itching you. The negative thinking might have been caused by yourself or others, but result is the same. So, what are the medicines for this negativity?
When I felt exhausted or low mood, I am going to my neighborhood with my dogs. There is a lot of animals running everywhere, I could smell the fresh air amid the hustle and bustle. Take a moment to listen the birds chipping. Obviously, I can sink in some nature nearby my house. God sake for this pandemic.
I will avoid some persons who caused the negative feelings from my brain. Try to make some jokes with the persons who are willing to listen your hearts. I am a music lover, and I could listen to the melodious music, singing and dancing in the park. I also love to read mysterious books. I would indulge in books and read thought provoking books. The last things, I would like to learn how to meditate daily if I feel infuriated.