2022年2月21日 星期一


1. very boring: tedious, mind-numbing, dreary, uninteresting

2. very bright: blinding, dazzling, radiant

3. very capable: efficient, skillful, proficient

4. very careful: scrupulous, meticulous, fastidious

5. very caring: compassionate, kind, attentive

6. very clean: spotless, immaculate, hygienic

7. very cleaver: intelligent, sharp, astute, ingenious

8. very cold: bitter, icy, freezing

9. very colorful: vibrant, vivid

10. very competitive: ambitious, cutthroat, driven

11. very different: unusual, distinctive, unique

12. very difficult: complex, demanding, arduous

13. very dirty: filthy, grimy, dilapidated, squalid

14. very dismay: miserable, morbid, depressing

15. very dry: parched, dehydrated, arid

16. very easy: effortless, unchallenging, simple

17. very education: informative, enlightening

18. very embarrassed: mortified, humiliated

19. very faithful: loyal, devoted

20. very famous: renowned, legendary

21. very far: distant, remote

22. very fast: rapid, swift

23. very fierce: vicious, ferocious, feral

24. very enthusiastic: eager, keen, zealous

25. very exciting: electrifying, exhilarating, breathtaking

26. very expensive: overpriced, costly, exorbitant

27. very fair: impartial, neutral, just

28. very happy: ecstatic, overjoyed, elated

29. very heavy: weighty, dense, hefty

30. very honest: candid, sincere, frank

31. very hot: burning, scalding, blistering, scorching

32. very frustrating: exasperating, vexing, infuriating

33. very full: overflowing, crammed, packed

34. very funny: hysterical, hilarious, sidesplitting

35. very good: superb, excellent, outstanding

36. very positive: optimistic, upbeat

37. very quiet: silent, hushed

38. very rare: scarce, sparse, unique

39. very religious: spiritual, devout

40. very responsible: dependable, conscientious, reliable

41. very roomy: spacious, expansive, palatial

42. very rough: coarse, jagged, rugged, gritty

43. very rowdy: raucous, wild

44. very rude: vulgar, offensive

45. very safe: harmless, sheltered, secure

2022年2月1日 星期二

What is the meaning of sucess?

     Success is the ability to achieve personal, professional, and life goals. I like to idiom: " Sucess is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

For me, I think I am a satisfied person who is able to help people in need, to pay money for my parents, and own the belongings that I wanted, that's called success. 

    From the working perspective, I am trying to notice my mistakes and adjust them to changes. Personally, I'd to learn how to communicate an effective story and make them logical especially in public.

Reflow soldering process

 Solder paste is used to temporary attach to the anywhere to all the contact pads, after which the assembly is subjected to the controlled h...