2022年2月21日 星期一


1. very boring: tedious, mind-numbing, dreary, uninteresting

2. very bright: blinding, dazzling, radiant

3. very capable: efficient, skillful, proficient

4. very careful: scrupulous, meticulous, fastidious

5. very caring: compassionate, kind, attentive

6. very clean: spotless, immaculate, hygienic

7. very cleaver: intelligent, sharp, astute, ingenious

8. very cold: bitter, icy, freezing

9. very colorful: vibrant, vivid

10. very competitive: ambitious, cutthroat, driven

11. very different: unusual, distinctive, unique

12. very difficult: complex, demanding, arduous

13. very dirty: filthy, grimy, dilapidated, squalid

14. very dismay: miserable, morbid, depressing

15. very dry: parched, dehydrated, arid

16. very easy: effortless, unchallenging, simple

17. very education: informative, enlightening

18. very embarrassed: mortified, humiliated

19. very faithful: loyal, devoted

20. very famous: renowned, legendary

21. very far: distant, remote

22. very fast: rapid, swift

23. very fierce: vicious, ferocious, feral

24. very enthusiastic: eager, keen, zealous

25. very exciting: electrifying, exhilarating, breathtaking

26. very expensive: overpriced, costly, exorbitant

27. very fair: impartial, neutral, just

28. very happy: ecstatic, overjoyed, elated

29. very heavy: weighty, dense, hefty

30. very honest: candid, sincere, frank

31. very hot: burning, scalding, blistering, scorching

32. very frustrating: exasperating, vexing, infuriating

33. very full: overflowing, crammed, packed

34. very funny: hysterical, hilarious, sidesplitting

35. very good: superb, excellent, outstanding

36. very positive: optimistic, upbeat

37. very quiet: silent, hushed

38. very rare: scarce, sparse, unique

39. very religious: spiritual, devout

40. very responsible: dependable, conscientious, reliable

41. very roomy: spacious, expansive, palatial

42. very rough: coarse, jagged, rugged, gritty

43. very rowdy: raucous, wild

44. very rude: vulgar, offensive

45. very safe: harmless, sheltered, secure



Reflow soldering process

 Solder paste is used to temporary attach to the anywhere to all the contact pads, after which the assembly is subjected to the controlled h...