Despite the news about COVID-19, climate change, flooding, drought, and pollution constantly broadcasting over the air, how can I still live happily in this frustrating decade? Some historians estimated that happiness is equal to reality minus expectation. However, some expectations are slipping from our grasp. The people are still unemployed when they are waiting for a new high salary job in this pandemic. Some children in poor countries have started dying of starvation as they cannot find money from foreigners. Many kinds of problems are out of our control, why we should take them into accounts and affect our daily life?
From my point of view, we need to stand the way that we can make it in progress gradually and improve it a little by little. Do not rush the works and push too hard to see the consequences in a short time. We are still young and have enough time to tackle climate change. As we know that so many people suffered the climate crisis in their countries, this will push more people to be more cautious about their attitude toward protecting the planet.