Today morning I attended a weekly meeting and I was asking about something uncertain information from my customer, especially their schedule and overall samples plan. The way I was talking, was reminded by my boss that is the inappropriate way. He said that my voice seems like being interrogative because I was seeking information by keeping question after question. After that, I realized that I always speak offensively, be influenced by my family, to the person I am familiar with. Even though my customers did not find any offensive or unpleasant feelings, I still need to remind myself to think thoroughly before saying anything out.
Yesterday I just spoke with my mother through Wechat. I recommended her giving up to manipulate the rented house situation by herself and let the agency take part in it. Otherwise, let the house unrented. I do not know what she is thinking now. I believe she will blame others instead of listening to other's opinions. Here is the behavior genetics influence.
Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion. But it is important to deal with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can hurt both your health and your relationships. I know that the sense of humor can help diffuse tension to avoid sarcasm, though. I need to learn how to be a humorous person.