2021年8月27日 星期五

Talk about my favorite fruits-Durian


    Durian is the most nutritious food in the world, that's rich in fiber, Vitamin B & C, and healthy plant compounds. I think I am so lucky that I lived in Southeast Asian, which can taste the natural desserts in both sweet and savory flavors   

    When I looked back on my childhood, I wondered how I loved to eat durian in my grandparent's house. They planted a lot of durian tress on their estate, when we visited them during Chinese New Year, they provided the durian buffet to welcome us. All of our family members loved to eat them. Sometimes we replaced durians as a normal diet for lunch or dinner meal. 

    In order to reduce the side effects of body temperature rising or getting sore throat, our grandparents teach us to cast some clean water on the spiky shell and drink. After drinking the water through the spiky shell, you will feel refreshing and did not get hot in your body.

    Even though I have been living in Taiwan, I rarely buy durians during the hot seasons, because it may cost an arm and a leg out of Southeast Asians area. 



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