In history books, we could read about some wars and the consequences after the wars. Eventually, we also can hear some unstoppable wars happened in Iraq, Aghan, and some developing countries.
However, it is still frightening all of us when Russia started invading Ukraine in 2022. Some people said Putin become psycho and skeptical after 2019 when he heard about Ukraine wanting to join NATO. Some mentioned about he wants to take over the energy resource in Ukraine and then he can manipulate all the resources in the EU.
I am not familiar with the history between Russia and Ukraine but I am started worrying about the war between China and Taiwan. If I had not any burden on my life, I am willing t join the military forces in Taiwan. Unfortunately I have a dog and I am responsible to take care of her until her death. Hopefully, that day would not come, if it did, I will do it because I love Taiwan very much, more than Malaysia.