2023年6月30日 星期五

A letter to my sister

     Once you decided to buy a unit in Kuala Lumpur, I felt dissapointed that you and mother did not ask my opinion before buying a house. To make an informed decision, you suppossed to be requested to acess any risk may occur, and implement mitigation plans. The idea that I have heard only the greedy ideas that the housing prices will be increasing after LRT established. As we know, if government wants to build the infractructures, it should take at least 5~ 10 years and the traffic jam will never ending until the infrastructure has been finished. You were easily to be tricked when somebody told you that it must be increasing surprisingly.

    On the behalf of a older sister, you should be responsible to take care all of the financial status in family. Since you asked me and brother to come to Germany with you. You are destroying our lives, do you know? If you were not studying in Germany, you could save more and earn more money than now. You do not need to ask mother to pay a downpayment and lost her retirement money for the rest of her life. Our father also would not suffered depressed to live in a small room with mother for almost 3 years during the pandemic. 

2023年6月22日 星期四

in the past time


    那個學弟Goh Pei Jie是我目前最大戶,他會幫我去詢問其他馬來西亞朋友,也幫忙處理了好幾筆. 一開始我們只是單純互換匯率,我們只是純粹無聊的時候聊天,我們也從來沒有互相提供照片.後來我得知他要回馬,他就說可以幫忙帶一些名產給我.我就很不好意思,覺得要請他吃飯或送機回報一下心意.畢竟他幫了我很多.我那個貪小便宜個性, 就跟他要求買了一堆.的確,我想要送他回台北表達謝意,後來我到了機場,我擔心他不認得我(因為我沒有見過面),我就拍照給他,讓他了解下我的樣子.我的確是等一段時間,我就只有拿了名產就回家,他說他自己可以搭車回家.後來是我覺得自己賺了很多,因為他幫忙買了很多糖果,娘惹糕,名產,他的行李超重,也沒有跟我多收錢,他還額外請我吃咖啡糖果和香蘭蛋糕,我拿了這麼多,只收了我2500元左右,我當然就很開心的回覆他我很喜歡.他在訊息也提到說有些學弟妹想要換學費,我當然也同意等他回覆.最近馬幣也跌很多,我就發訊息詢問進度,我也並沒有想要找他聊甚麼.當然我內心是寂寞的.希望有人可以聆聽我的心事.



2023年6月21日 星期三

Sexual harrassment

     Recently, Taiwan is rocked by wave of sexual harassment allegations sparked by Netflix show. Over a week, more than hundred people spoke out the allegations against the people in power. There is a man I always concerned about. 

    In 2007, I worked illegally as an waitress in a private club because I was a foreign student. However,  I need a lot of money to have a  master degree tuition fees. He is the one of my customer in a private club. He always went to the private club with a lot of politician workers or partician leaders to have some fun, He was so generous to pay some extra tips to the waitress when he felt enjoyable to have special services, such as drinking a cup of wine with him. I was about the to be drunk after drinking some whisky or red wine with him. 

    After 3 months working in the club, I felt guilty to work illegally and I could not deal with getting drunk when I worked. I felt asleep, nausea or vomit after drinking a lot with my customer. Even though the pay is higher than other part time job, I still could felt my alcohol intolerance could be a life threatening reactions to my immune system.

    One day evening in the past, I just packed my backpack and ready to resign from my working place. When I was ready about to prepare my exam in library. I saw the politician in a car. His body guard just grabbed my hand and pushed me into his car. It was a daunting task to reject his invitation because the body guard was a a former police officer but I was an illegal waitress. When I entered his car, I felt very uncomfortable when he touched my thighs and concerned about my leaving from the club. I exclaimed and begged him to release me. Fortunately my ex-boyfriend was standing outside of the politician car. I was trying to forget about details on that day until the me2 activities sparked and he was about to be accused. A reporter 

Ashame of her

     What a shame to borrow money from your family but never told about her salary statements and debt that she need to cover

Reflow soldering process

 Solder paste is used to temporary attach to the anywhere to all the contact pads, after which the assembly is subjected to the controlled h...